Safety & Insurance

Safety is of course a major issue on a boat and we take care of it on a daily basis : to day we never had a serious accident on the boat and nobody every fell from the boat. 

Unique Safety Features : 

– Bangkok Island is a double hull boat which means there is 2 layers of metal one from the outside then a Ballast (like a submarine) and then a second layer of Metal. It allows us to increase or decrease the weight of the boat but also to have a higher safety standard than most boat. 

– Redundancy in Fire Protection & Pumps : in case of an incident It is important to have redundancy so if a problem occur we can quickly treat it. For example Bangkok Island has Sprinklers, Fire extinguishers and Fire Lances. 

– No Gas on Board : Bottles of Gas can explode and start fire therefore Bangkok Island uses all electric cooking. 

– Like every boat in the river Bangkok Island is inspected every year by the marine department.

Insurance : 

– Bangkok Island’s passengers is insured as required by law.